Workshop Archive

Getting Started

Funding Your Graduate Education: Database Search

Identifying prospective external funding opportunities is the first step to applying for fellowships and awards. In this interactive session you will learn how to jump start your fellowship and award search using the comprehensive funding database Pivot as well as other external award databases. Create an account in Pivot prior to the workshop.


Funding Your Graduate Education (Fall 2021)

Funding Your Graduate Education (Spring 2019)
Funding Your Graduate Education (Spring 2018)


Crafting a Competitive Personal Statement

Writing about yourself can be difficult. The Personal Statement is a very critical component in a fellowship application. This session will provide tips and suggestions on how to craft and draft a competitive personal statement.


Competitive Personal Statements (Spring 2022)
  Emily Saras, doctoral candidate and recipient of multiple awards including Fulbright and the PEO Scholar Award, provided tips on crafting a competitive personal statement from scratch to finish.  

Competitive Personal Statements (Fall 2021)

Competitive Personal Statements (Fall 2019)
Writing a Personal Statement for Fellowships and Awards (Spring 2019)
Writing a Personal Statement for Fellowships and Awards (Summer 2017)


Letters of Recommendations and Cover Letters

This workshop, featuring a panel discussion with Dr. Leushuis (Modern Languages and Linguistics), will provide advice and guidance on requesting strong letters of recommendation to accompany your fellowship and grant applications.


Writing and Securing Effective Cover Letters for Fellowships and Awards (Fall 2022)

Writing and Securing Effective Cover Letters for Fellowships and Awards (Fall 2018)
Writing and Securing Effective Cover Letters for Fellowships and Awards (Spring 2018)
Writing and Securing Effective Cover Letters for Fellowships and Awards (Summer 2017)

Personal Statement for Non-Native English Speakers

In this session, Dr. Jennifer Grill and Dr. Maria Mendoza, faculty in the Center for Intensive English Studies (CIES), will cover the vocabulary, phrases, and organizational patterns needed to draft a strong personal statement suited for various kinds of fellowship applications. Participants will be invited to attend Writing Sessions later in the semester where community, time, space, and assistance will be provided to help with strengthening writing skills and revising draft documents.


Personal Statement for Non-Native English
Speakers (Fall 2021) Power Point (CIES)

Personal Statement Lab (Fall 2019)
Personal Statement Lab (Spring 2019)
Personal Statement Lab (Spring 2018)
English for Personal Statements (Fall 2017)

Writing Well: Drafting Successful Fellowship Application Statements

Your ability to communicate your ideas in writing will directly impact your success in applying for fellowships and awards. In this workshop, Dr. Keith McCall, Assistant Director at OGFA, discussed the characteristics of good (and bad) writing and learn specific strategies for producing clear, coherent, and concise writing in competitive award applications..


Writing Well: Techniques to Maximize the Success of Fellowship and Grant Applications (Spring 2022)

Writing Well: Techniques to Maximize the Success of Fellowship and Grant Applications (Fall 2019)
Writing Well: Techniques to Maximize the Success of Fellowship and Grant Applications (Fall 2018)

Navigating Grant Resources at FSU

Does your department have a Grants Office Administrator? Come learn about grant resources on FSU's campus for assisting grantees with navigating pre and post-award administration for government-related (i.e. public) funds. Susan Fell (Sponsored Research Administration) will facilitate the workshop and answer any questions.


Navigating Grant Resources (Fall 2018)

Fellowships and Taxes

Filing your taxes can be confusing. Add in a fellowship, health insurance, and reimbursements and you may want to pull your hair out. In this workshop, you'll learn tips for accounting for fellowships in your taxes and have a chance to ask questions. This workshop will provide helpful information for current and future fellowship recipients.


IRS Information on Scholarships, Fellowship Grants, and Other Grants

3 Part Grant Mechanisms Workshop (Postdoc & Graduate)

Part 1

Part 2
Sign up for a time block to have your Specific Aims page critiqued by a panel of experts in your field. This is the heart of every successful grant proposal.

Part 3
Sign up for a time block to have your full grant proposal critiqued by a mock study section of experts in your field. Then take your reviews, modify your full proposal, and submit to your targeted agency to receive your intramural award from FSU. You do not have to be awarded your proposed grant to receive the intramural support, but you must complete all three workshop dates and be responsive to the available experts! The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards will host this 3-Part workshop in conjunction with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA) and FSU faculty. This grants workshop is a guided approach to preparing extramural grant applications geared exclusively to postdoctoral scholars and graduate students. Experienced faculty that have served on grant review panels will present the latest criteria and strategies applicable to a number of different agencies in a variety of different fields and disciplines. In particular, we will cover NIH, USDA, NSF, and AHA grant applications. Graduate students who complete all three sessions and then submit an extramural application to a funding agency within one year are eligible for a $750 intramural grant for research-related expenses.

Tips for Creating a Strong Proposal Budget

A workshop on how to create a realistic and strong budget for proposal submission.


Tips for Creating a Strong Proposal Budget (Fall 2021)

Building Cohesion in Application Writing with CIES

Facilitated by the Center for Intensive English Studies (CIES), this workshop is intended to support International students who are interested in developing their fellowship and award application writing skills. “Cohesion,” or flow and connection across an application, is essential for writing high-quality application essays. This workshop will provide guidance and instruction on achieving cohesion. 


Funding 101 - Navigating Pivot

Pivot includes thousands of funding opportunities, but it can be a tricky platform to work with. In the workshop, we explore the ins-and-outs of Pivot’s advanced search functions, including how to create and save searches that you can return to throughout your graduate career.


Early Career Preparedness

Preparing Your CV/Resume

Learn what to include and what not to include on your fellowship application CV or resume. Keeping your audience in mind and considering the mission and vision of the sponsoring agency.


Writing CVs and Resumes for Fellowships and Awards (Spring 2019)
Writing CVs and Resumes for Fellowships and Awards (Spring 2018)
Writing a Curriculum Vitae (Summer 2017)

Workshop Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Bring a draft of your CV or Resume. OGFA staff and Career Center liaisons that support designated academic units will be on hand to provide individual feedback.


CV Critiquing (Spring 2018)

The Basics of Proposal Writing


Evangeline Coker, Professional Development and Resource Specialist - Office of Research Development, provided tips on crafting a competitive research proposal

Successful Funding Proposals
Evangeline Coker, Professional Development and Resource Specialist - Office of Research Development, provided tips on crafting a competitive research proposal.

The Ins and Outs of Proposal Writing
Mike Mitchell, Program Manager for The Career Center, Program Manager for Strategic Initiatives and Proposal Development, Office of Research Development. This session will focus on the following: Essential points to address in an award application, what to look for in a winning proposal, and tips and strategies to support clear, concise, interesting, and persuasive writing.

presentation image Successfully Getting Your Work Funded (Summer 2020)
Successfully Getting Your Work Funded
Proposal Writing (Fall 2019)
Heilmeier's Catechism (Fall 2017)
The Basics of Grant Writing (Fall 2016)


Education Proposal Writing

Securing Research Funding (Fall 2016)

Networking and Business Etiquette

This workshop will cover the basics of business etiquette and the importance of proper etiquette as it relates to interviewing and business situations, with a focus on how to utilize these skills while networking at conferences and discipline specific meetings.


Business Etiquette (Spring 2019)

ProfessioNOLE Branding and Communication Workshop

Have you been told you need a LinkedIn or website portfolio? Do you have a portfolio but are unsure of what to include in it? Effective professionals understand and can communicate their value and unique assets (personal brand) to others in the work world. This workshop provides and overview of branding and communications concepts and engages students in exercises to help them begin creating and promoting their own personal brand.


Four-Part Application Writing Workshop


Four Day Writing Workshop (Summer 2022)

Three-Day Funding Finding Workshop

Communicating the Significance of Your Research

Explaining your research to a broad audience of fellowship reviewers can be challenging. In this interactive workshop, we will practice pitching the significance of your research to your target audience and refining the answer to the elusive “so-what” question.

Communicating the Significance of Your Research (Spring 2023)

Communicating the Significance of Your Research (Fall 2022)

Fellowships & Awards

Florida Gubernatorial Fellowship Program Campus Visit

The Florida Gubernatorial Fellowship Program is open to students in any discipline who are interested in public service and strengthening their leadership skills. Attendees came to the campus visit to learn about the program, met current fellows, and asked questions about the application submission process and individual fellow experiences.

ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship Workshop

This workshop will introduce students to the prestigious competitive ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship. We will go over eligibility criteria, application components, and the application strategies which are most likely to result in a successful application. This workshop will be interactive and aims to provide participants with all of the information and tools necessary to construct a competitive application for this major fellowship.


ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Spring 2022)

Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Summer 2019)
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Spring 2019)

Florida Legislative Intern Program Campus Visit

Information Session for the Florida Legislative Intern Program. This program offers a unique opportunity for college graduates and graduate students to gain 1st hand knowledge of the legislative process and to participate in the work of the legislative branch of state government. The campus visit is an excellent opportunity to learn about the program (eligibility, criteria, and deadlines), meet current and past fellows, and to ask questions about the application submission process and individual fellow experiences.


FL House of Representatives Legislative Intern Program Brochure

AAUW & P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Info Session

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (eligibility, criteria, and deadlines), meet local P.E.O. Chapter representatives, past scholarship recipients, and to ask questions about the application submission process and individual fellow experiences. For more information about the PEO International Peace Scholarship, visit


P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (Spring 2022)

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (Fall 2017)

NSF Grants Workshop

The National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsors a host of fellowships and awards for which graduate students are eligible. In this workshop we will discuss NSF policies and procedures, and provide tips and insights specific to particular programs like the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG), the Cultural Anthropology Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (CA-DDRIG), and more. Current and former NSF grant recipients will attend to give perspectives from their experiences.

NSF DDRI Grants Workshop

The National Science Foundation (NSF) offers Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIG) for advanced doctoral students in a number of fields across the academic disciplines. This workshop serves as a comprehensive introduction to these advanced NSF research grants for graduate students. We will go over all of the different areas in which NSF offers DDRI grants, provide an overview of the NSF grant application process for graduate students at Florida State, and address a number of critical application components pertaining to NSF grant competitions at this level. Students will come away with an understanding of NSF grants that are available, what it looks like to apply for these grants, and how to do so competitively.


NSF Cultural Anthropology Program

Dissertation Completion Fellowships

Are you within a year of preparing your prospectus? Or are you just concerned about where you will receive the funding to complete your degree? Come to this workshop to learn about various dissertation funding opportunities and resources at FSU to help you complete your application.


Dissertation Completion Fellowships (Fall 2016)

Tallahassee Mayoral Fellowship Program Info Session

Come to this informational session to learn about this unique opportunity to meaningfully engage with key areas of City government and serve in invaluable front-line positions alongside top leaders of City Hall. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the program and ask questions.

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans program honors the contributions of immigrants and children of immigrants to the United States. Each year, we invest in the graduate education of 30 New Americans—immigrants and children of immigrants—who are poised to make significant contributions to US society or in their academic field. Each Fellow receives up to $90,000 in financial support over two years, and they join a lifelong community of New American Fellows.


Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship (Spring 2022)

Fellowship/Grant Writing in the Humanities

This workshop will provide targeted fellowship and grant writing support for graduate students in humanities fields. Panelists, Dr. Elizabeth Cecil (Religion), Dr. Vincent Joos (French & Anthropology), and Aaron Rodriguez (English) will discuss some specific funding opportunities, consider common application elements, and review best practices for award essay writing.


Fellowship/Grant Writing in the Humanities (Fall 2022)

Global Opportunities

Foreign/Critical Language Study Opportunities

This workshop will cover various opportunities to work on your language skills, including opportunities to study a language abroad. Opportunities such as the Critical Language Scholarship, DAAD, and the Boren Fellowship, among others, will be covered. We will provide an overview of the awards and their application processes and provide space for questions.


Language Studies Workshop (Fall 2018)
Boren Awards website
Language Study Opportunities (Spring 2018)

Fulbright U.S. Student Program Workshop Series

The Office of National Fellowships (ONF) and the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards (OGFA) will host info session about various Fulbright award programs. There are multiple dates and times scheduled for each type of Fulbright award to accommodate different schedules. All workshops will take place in the Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House (HSF) 3008. Academic Grant This workshop focused on study and research grants and the application process. Arts & Creative Projects Workshops focused on the creative opportunities available through Fulbright including but not limited to the Fulbright National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship. English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Awards Workshops focused on the English Teaching Assistant awards and the application process.