Last year was a banner year for FSU graduate students in the fellowships and awards arena, with graduate students receiving over 4.6 million dollars in external fellowships and awards. The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards wants to work with you to make the 2024-2025 academic year even more successful!
If you are interested in applying for fellowships and awards but don’t quite know where to begin, check out the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Let’s Meet webpage for more information on how to jumpstart your fellowships and awards journey.
If you have won an external award for the current academic year, we want to celebrate you. Please submit your award information here.
Fellowship Pro-Tip: Conference Funding
Attending conferences is a pivotal part of the graduate school journey. Conferences offer student a valuable platform to present their research and engage with a broader academic community beyond Florida State University. They also provide excellent networking opportunities and learn about insights into future career paths. However, the cost of attending conference can be expensive!
This Pro-Tip video focuses guidance on how to find and secure funding to help ease the financial burden of conference attendance. Former OGFA Graduate Assistant, Susan Rogowski hosts a panel featuring key insights and resources. Dr. Emily Leventhal, Director of the newly established Graduate Student Resource Center at FSU shares details on conference funding available for FSU doctoral students through the Office of the Provost. Jack Rowen, current Speaker of the Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) discusses the COGS conference funding program. Additionally, Zida Wang, a PhD candidate in Museum Education and Visitor-Centered Curation, discusses his experiences with applying for funding and attending conferences.
Fall 2024 Professional Development
If you are a current FSU student, please register with your FSU email.
Funding Your Graduate Education: Intro Meeting/Database Search
OGFA staff will facilitate small group meetings to assist graduate students with navigating award databases to identify fellowships and awards that are a good "fit" to support their graduate education.
- September 5 | 2:00 PM | Register here
- October 2 | 10:00 AM | Register here
- November 7 | 10:00 AM | Register here
- December 4 | 2:00 PM | Register here
Getting Started with Application Writing (The Reading-Writing Center)
September 11 | 10:00 AM | Register here
Applying for a fellowship or grant but stuck on the blank page? Join OGFA and the Reading-Writing Center for a hybrid workshop aimed at generating ideas, brainstorming and freewriting, and getting started with the writing process. Join via Zoom or in-person in the Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House (HSF 3008).
Developing Your Scholarly/Professional Identity
September 24 | 2:00 PM | Zoom - Register here
Applying for fellowships and grants requires communicating who you are, what you do, and why it matters. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to create and present your scholarly or professional identity, including your broader impacts and values, and how to link that identity to funding applications
OGFA Fall Networking Event
September 26 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM | HSF Nancy H. Marcus Great Hall | Register here
Join us for an in-person Networking Event aimed at fostering peer to peer interdisciplinary connections and support networks between students interested in applying for EXTERNAL fellowships and awards and students that have already been involved in the process of applying for EXTERNAL fellowships and awards. Get out of your disciplinary silos, grab a bite to eat, learn about fellowships and awards, and meet other FSU graduate students!
Journal Editing and the Peer Review Process
October 10 | 11:00 AM | HSF Nancy H. Marcus Great Hall | Register here
Are you interested in learning more about how academic journals work, understanding what peer-reviewers look for, and discovering how to peer-review papers yourself? These valuable skills are useful for publishing and applying for funding! Dr. Deana Rohlinger, Professor of Sociology at FSU, and Editor in Chief of Social Science Computer Review will facilitate this in-person workshop on the ins and outs of academic journals.
Application Editing and the Revision Process (CIES)
October 15 | 12:00 PM | Zoom - Register here
Facilitated by the Center for Intensive English Studies (CIES), this workshop is intended to support English language learners who are interested in developing their fellowship and award application writing and editing skills. Reviewing and revising is a key part of crafting competitive application essays. This workshop will focus on developing skills for editing and revising.
CV & Resume Workshop with the Career Center
October 30 | 12:00 PM | HSF 3008 | Register here
CVs and Resumes are an important part of your scholarly and professional profile, and they play vital roles in the fellowships and awards application process. Join OGFA and the Career Center for an in-person workshop on preparing high-impact CVs and Resumes! Time allowing, we’ll also provide feedback on your CV/Resume!
Florida Gubernatorial Fellowship Information Session
November 14 | 2:00 PM | HSF Nancy H. Marcus Great Hall | Register here
Do you have an interest in public policy, administration, or government? Are you eager for hands-on internship experience working with top leaders in the state of Florida? If so, join us on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 2 PM for an in-person information session on the Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program, a non-partisan program that immerses students in key areas of state government during a nine-month fellowship. This Info Session will take place in the HSF Nancy H. Marcus Great Hall.
Graduate Student Award Recipient Panel Discussion
November | TBD | Register here (add link)
Join us for a panel discussion featuring FSU graduate students who are recent recipients of external fellowships and awards. Our awardees will discuss how they approached their applications, share tips they learned along the way, and make time for Q&A.
Please use this link to enroll in OGFA’s Fellowships Canvas Courses. We created those sites to guide students through the process of applying for competitive fellowships, scholarships, and awards. Resources include introductions to various funding mechanisms, annotated and supplemental guides designed to assist students in various stages of the fellowship application cycle for each award, webinar links (if available), tips and links to a variety of other resources.
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship
This fellowship provides $50,000 of funding for students in the humanities and interpretive social sciences who are embarking on innovative dissertation projects. The program seeks to expand the range of research methodologies, formats, and areas of inquiry traditionally for the dissertation.
Deadline: October 30
AAUW International Fellowship
The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. This fellowship supports full-time study or research for graduate programs in the United States.
Deadline: November 15
Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR)
This program awards grants for research projects in science and engineering. Both members and non-members of Sigma Xi are eligible to apply for this award. International students are also eligible to apply.
Deadline: October 1
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
The CLS Program provides opportunities for American college and university students to study languages and cultures essential to America's engagement with the world. While restricted to U.S. citizens, CLS is open to students in any degree program or discipline.
Deadline: Mid November 2024
Graduate Students in the News

Doctoral Candidate Sheila Scoville Awarded 2024–25 Fellowship with Smithsonian Institution
Art History doctoral candidate Sheila Scoville has been awarded a research fellowship with the Smithsonian Institution. During the 2024–25 academic year, Sheila will be a Peter Buck Predoctoral Fellow at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) in Washington, D.C. Read more.

‘Proud to be at FSU’: Far from home, mother and sons achieve together on campus
Amber Noor Mustafa began a five-year Fulbright program at FSU in August 2020, moving from Pakistan in January 2021 after completing her first semester online. A few years later, in Fall 2023, both of Amber's sons would join her to pursue degrees at FSU, reuniting the family in Tallahassee. Read more.

Grasping gravity: Former FSU graduate student’s theory predicted groundbreaking physics discovery
Researchers from Nanjing published a new paper in the journal Nature this spring that confirmed the groundbreaking scientific prediction made five years ago by FSU physics alumna Shiuan-Fan “Sonya” Liou, who was a graduate student in Professor Kun Yang’s group when she published research shedding light on gravitons in 2019. Read more.

FSU doctoral student appointed as Organ Scholar at Washington National Cathedral
Ariana Corbin, a doctoral organ student at Florida State University’s College of Music, has been appointed as the Organ Scholar at Washington National Cathedral and as an Organ Scholar for the Girl Chorister Course at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue in New York – two of the most prestigious sacred music programs in the country. Read more.
Celebrating Graduate Education
The work and research in action of graduate students at Florida State University broadly impacts the campus community and the world around us. The Grad Impact: Digital Narratives Project captures and amplifies the lived graduate student experience at FSU. Check out some of our grad student highlights below.
If you are interested in sharing your experience and research, please submit your profile info here.

Timothy Lomeli
Francophone Studies (Modern Languages and Linguistics)
"Better understand your place in/and the world"

Johnnie Allen Jr.
Higher Education
"Builds bridges to help others cross"
View Profile

Yeimy Roberto
Hispanic Linguistics
"Pursue knowledge and wisdom should follow."
View Profile

Abby Rehard
"Never stop learning—never stop growing"
View Profile

James Hernandez
Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
"Freedom to boundlessly serve students"
View Profile
Click here to see more #Gradimpact student profiles.
New Op-Ed Competition and Professional Development Workshop!
Are you interested in honing your writing skills, sharing your perspectives, and potentially winning monetary awards? The Graduate School is thrilled to announce a new initiative: an Op-Ed Competition!
An Op-Ed, short for "opposite the editorial page," is a written article that expresses the informed opinion of the author, typically on a current issue or topic of interest. It provides a platform for individuals to share their unique perspectives and insights with a wider audience.
The Graduate School will kick off our inaugural Op-Ed Competition on October 8th as part of FSU's Discovery Days - a week of celebration of FSU research, creativity, and discovery enterprise!