The Basics of Proposal Writing


Evangeline Coker, Professional Development and Resource Specialist - Office of Research Development, provided tips on crafting a competitive research proposal

Successful Funding Proposals
Evangeline Coker, Professional Development and Resource Specialist - Office of Research Development, provided tips on crafting a competitive research proposal.

The Ins and Outs of Proposal Writing
Mike Mitchell, Program Manager for The Career Center, Program Manager for Strategic Initiatives and Proposal Development, Office of Research Development. This session will focus on the following: Essential points to address in an award application, what to look for in a winning proposal, and tips and strategies to support clear, concise, interesting, and persuasive writing.

presentation image Successfully Getting Your Work Funded (Summer 2020)
Successfully Getting Your Work Funded
Proposal Writing (Fall 2019)
Heilmeier's Catechism (Fall 2017)
The Basics of Grant Writing (Fall 2016)


Education Proposal Writing

Securing Research Funding (Fall 2016)