Discovery on Parade
Discovery on Parade is a special event showcasing local innovation with a worldwide impact. The event is organized by the FSU Office of Commercialization. The community event gathers researchers, innovators, and creative professionals from FAMU, FSU, and TCC. The event takes place at the Turnbull Center, where members of the community gather to hear about the discoveries happening within Tallahassee. At the event, the Digital Narratives Project described the importance and impact of the work graduate students do. They also highlighted how the project employs storytelling, videography and social media to share their research.

Broader Impacts Fair
The Broader Impacts Fair is a unique opportunity for FSU researchers to network with groups engaged in education and outreach work from nearly twenty campuses and community organizations. The event is organized by the Office of Proposal Development. The various organizations that contribute to the event come from areas such as community outreach, student education, research commercialization, and science communication. At the event, researchers are given the chance to discuss how their work will impact more than just their scientific field. The Digital Narratives Project explained how it employs storytelling, videography and social media to share the impact of the graduate students. They also highlighted the importance and impact that the work of graduate students has on the community.

UROP Undergraduate Research Symposium
The Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual showcase where undergraduate student researchers present their work to the university community. The event is organized by the Center of for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement. Each year the event occurs at the end of the spring semester to commemorate the hard work that students have been participating in throughout the academic year. At the event, the Digital Narratives Project discussed the importance and impact of the graduate student work. They also explained how the project shares its work through storytelling, videography and social media.

McNair/TRIO Campus Visits
The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards hosted a Grad School Bootcamp for a group of McNair/TRIO Scholars from the University of Florida, the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), Tougaloo College, Alcorn State University, and our very own Florida State University CARE SSS SCOPE and SSS STEM Programs.
Graduate peer mentors talked about their program of study and graduate school experiences during the “Day in the Life of a Grad Student” panel and Speed Networking session.

Time Management Workshop
Since time management is essential for the collegiate journey, the IntentioNOLE Time Management Workshop helped students re-think their attitude towards planning. Scholars represented various offices, organizations, and award programs (FAMU Feeder Scholars, McKnight Doctoral and Dissertation Fellows, McKnight Affiliates, McNair Scholars, GEM Fellows, CARE Scholars, WEB Dubois Honor Society, and InternFSU).