Jessi Thomsen

Jessi Thomsen

"There's good work to be done"

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: English
Degree: Doctorate 

Award: PEO Scholar Award (2020)

Why FSU?

The FSU Rhetoric and Composition Program has a focus on community that felt like a good academic home, and Tallahassee seemed like a good fit for me, my partner, and our golden retrievers.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I love the interwoven aspects of learning with students and pursuing research. Also, Dr. K, my MA advisor, provided the mentoring I needed to see that pursuing a PhD was a challenge I might be up for.

Importance of research and work

My research works at the intersection of a number of conversations--reflection and writing, decoloniality, new materialisms, and sustainability studies. The challenges we face, broadly speaking, are complex, and these kinds of intersections open productive avenues for enacting change.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Remember that you and everyone who is part of your journey are all people (in addition to being students/faculty/staff/etc). Even (especially) when you are stressed, be kind to yourself and the people around you.

Accomplishments during graduate school

I am proud to be a recipient of the PEO Scholar Award, the Jane B. Smith Endowed Scholarship, and the Phil Gates Award for Excellence in Written Communication.

Career aspirations

I'm excited to continue my work as a teacher-scholar-mentor.