Maggie McCormick

Maggie McCormick

"Enhancing knowledge while increasing career prospects"

College: Law
Degree: Juris Doctor

Award: Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program (2020)


Why FSU?

I chose to attend Florida State University's College of Law primarily because of its location in the state capital. I am most fulfilled when I pursue professional opportunities alongside my academic studies. During my law school decision process, I was excited to learn about the many opportunities available to FSU students interested in public service. FSU provides the flexibility and support to pursue these opportunities as a full-time student, which made it an easy choice for me to earn my law degree here.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I did not want my formal education to stop at my undergraduate degree. I had only scratched the surface of my academic interests during my undergraduate education, and I decided to attend law school to gain a better understanding of our country’s laws and system of government. I also knew that the versatility of a law degree would open doors for me professionally and equip me with the skills to be a better writer, researcher, and advocate in my future career.

Importance of research and work

The decisions made in government settings affect all areas of life. By working in public service roles, I hope to develop solutions to important issues and ultimately improve the lives of others.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

For any prospective graduate student, it is important to know your reasons for considering an advanced degree. There are some great reasons to go to graduate school, but there are so many people who choose to pursue additional education simply because they do not know what else to do. Since I was confident in my decision to attend law school and knew what to expect, my experience has been much more rewarding.

Career aspirations

Following graduation, I hope to develop a fulfilling career where I can make a difference daily. While I continue to explore that exact role, my experience as a Florida Gubernatorial Fellow has shown me how I can make a difference in our state through public service. I am grateful for the opportunity to receive a legal education, and I hope to use it to give back to my community and assist others.