Denisha Campbell

Denisha Campbell

"Representation Matters!"

College: Communication and Information
Degree Program: Communication Science and Disorders
Degree: Doctorate

Award: Cindy Edelman Excellence in Teaching Award; Distinguished Early Career Professional Award; Triple L training Grant

Award: Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (2023)

Why FSU?

I attended FSU initially while obtaining my master's and, at that time, I told myself "I'm only applying to grad schools in places where it doesn't snow." FSU fit that description while also having a training grant specializing in language and literacy, so it seemed like the perfect fit. After graduating and working for a few years, I learned there was an additional training grant for doctoral students, and I knew a combination of the staff, location (close to the Florida Department of Education), and other opportunities like partnering with the Florida Center for Reading Research would be complementary to my goal of aiding disadvantaged groups with literacy development.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I was motivated to pursue a doctorate after working in three different school districts and feeling discouraged because the same issues existed in each place. Black and brown students were struggling with reading. Though I made strides in pushing the needle forward, I was unsatisfied with stress that accompanied the job and the inability to make major changes at the micro level. I felt that it would be a more valuable use of my time to make more of a major impact. Research is a powerful tool to allow me to do so.

Importance of research and work

My research area is important because I am aiming to improve the educational outcomes of Black and brown students as relates to literacy. We have plenty of information supporting the existence of an achievement gap, and even valuable information about useful interventions that could support these students, but there is still a need to ensure that research is being disseminated and translated to the schools and districts that need it the most. I also think I offer the unique experience of being a researcher who shares the same cultural background as many of these students, which helps me shed light on the importance of cultural competency.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

My advice to anyone considering graduate school is to make sure that you make your decision based on fit and match. It is not easy, but one of the things that makes it tolerable is the security of knowing that you are where you are supposed to be. Take an honest inventory of who you are, what your needs are, and how much support you require, and compare that with what programs are willing to offer. The best school is the one that is best for you!

Accomplishments during graduate career

Since I am a strong believer in acknowledging achievements outside of academia, I must mention I am extremely proud of my vegetable garden!

Career aspirations

Upon finishing my program, I hope to work as a translational scientist to ensure that the research community and relevant stakeholders are on the same page in reference to topics/areas of concern that need to be researched as well as to make sure that districts are well equipped to implement the evidence-based strategies.