Antonia Manzella

Antonia Manzella

"The possible growth opportunities are endless"

College: Communication and Information
Degree Program: Integrated Marketing Communication
Degree: Master's

Why FSU?

I spoke with a representative who gave me all of the information needed to prove that Integrated Marketing Communication at FSU was the perfect program for me. FSU seems like the perfect community to foster the start and growth of my career.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

With my undergraduate degree in public relations and advertising, I left feeling that I barely scratched the surface of communications. I want to learn more to be better prepared to enter the workforce.

Importance of research and work

I find my work incredibly important; it gives brands and consumers a voice. I love finding creativity in the business world and showing that art comes in all forms.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Just apply! You never know what kind of funding or opportunities you will receive.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I am just entering my program so more is to come!

Career aspirations

I hope to be a creative director or marketing manager for a global brand.