Dena Sutphin

"To cultivate lifelong skills and expertise."
College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: History
Degree: Doctorate
Why FSU?
I chose to attend FSU for graduate school in order to work with Dr. Nilay Özok-Gündoğan on Middle East history. She was my number one choice for faculty to work with on my academic interests. The History department at FSU also impressed me with its academic rigor and welcoming environment. I feel empowered to pursue my scholarly interests and cultivate my expertise in both history and contemporary issues.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I was motivated to pursue a graduate degree because of my desire to deepen my understanding of the past while further developing skills in research, writing, and critical thinking.
Importance and impact of research
My research centers on understanding the complex political and social affairs in modern history that have shaped the issues facing the Middle East to this day. It highlights the often-neglected narratives of Middle Eastern minorities, giving them a voice and helping contextualize contemporary conflicts in the region.
Advice for prospective graduate students
Know that you're going to be stretched, tested, and challenged, but trust that at the end of the process, you'll come out stronger, more confident, and ready to take on any challenge.
Accomplishments during graduate career
I studied Arabic abroad at the American University of Beirut in summer 2019 and presented at my first conference in spring 2019.
Career aspirations
I plan to pursue a career in education by teaching history at the college level and further developing my public platform to continue sharing my growing expertise in history. I also intend to publish books about history, using the research, writing, and historical analysis skills I have developed in graduate school.