3-Part Grant Mechanisms Workshop (Postdoc & Graduate): Part 1

Friday, March 1 │1:00 - 3:00 PM │ WJB G0040

3-Part Grant Mechanisms Workshop: Part 2
April 26 | 12:00 - 3:00 PM | HSF 3009
Sign up for a time block to have your Specific Aims page critiqued by a panel of experts in your field. This is the heart of every successful grant proposal. 

3-Part Grant Mechanisms Workshop: Part 3
June 28 | 12:00 - 3:00 PM | HSF 3009
Sign up for a time block to have your full grant proposal critiqued by a mock study section of experts in your field. Then take your reviews, modify your full proposal, and submit to your targeted agency to receive your intramural award from FSU. You do not have to be awarded your proposed grant to receive the intramural support, but you must complete all three workshop dates and be responsive to the available experts!

The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards will host this 3-Part workshop in conjunction with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA) and FSU faculty. This grants workshop is a guided approach to preparing extramural grant applications geared exclusively to postdoctoral scholars and graduate students. Experienced faculty that have served on grant review panels will present the latest criteria and strategies applicable to a number of different agencies in a variety of different fields and disciplines. In particular, we will cover NIH, USDA, NSF, and AHA grant applications. Graduate students who complete all three sessions and then submit an extramural application to a funding agency within one year are eligible for a $750 intramural grant for research-related expenses.