Wang Min

"It opens the door to the intellectual world."
College: Education
Degree Program: International and Multicultural Education
Degree: Doctorate
Award: Florida Alpha Delta Kappa Past Presidents' Scholarship Award (2018); PEO International Peace Scholar Award (2018); AAUW International Fellowship (2018)
Why FSU?
The PhD program in international and multicultural education at FSU is nationally ranked and recognized. It is an area that I have always wanted to study. Additionally, I have multiple friends who have attended FSU and all had very positive experiences here, which gave me a lot of confidence in accepting the offer to come to FSU.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
When I received my master’s degree, I didn’t feel like I had the knowledge and skills to pursue the career I wanted. I felt that I needed more focused and specialized training in the field of international and comparative education to become a skilled researcher in this field. So, I applied for the PhD program at FSU and was eager to learn.
Importance and impact of research
My research looks at educational inequality in rural China. It is an important topic because over half of the children in China grew up in the countryside. There is significant inequality between rural and urban education, which has a real consequence on the sustainable development of the economy as well as the social and political stability of the country.
Career aspirations
I’d like to pursue a career as a researcher in the area of rural education and rural development in China. My experience growing up in rural China, the training and education I received from both Chinese and American institutions, and my distance from my home country together offer me the great benefit of understanding the context and allowing me both an insider’s and an outsider’s perspective as a researcher.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Graduate school is a journey that allows you to uncover knowledge about the world and about yourself. It is a pleasant and rewarding journey if you’re studying what you’re passionate about. Just make sure you find your true passion and what really excites you before you get on this journey.
Accomplishments during graduate career
Recipient of P.E.O. International Peace Award, 2018-2019 & 2019-2020 and Recipient of AAUW International Fellowship, 2019-2020.