Catherine Stauffer

Catherine Stauffer

"Community, mentors, connections, learning, growing, communicating."

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Meteorology
Degree: Doctorate

Why did you choose to attend FSU to pursue a graduate degree?

I got the opportunity to work with one of my favorite professors from my undergrad at FSU on an international project she co-organized.

What motivated you to pursue a graduate degree?

I would like to go into academia and, frankly, never want to leave school or stop learning.

Describe the importance of your research and work? Why should anyone care about the work you are doing?

My work will help advance the atmospheric science community’s understanding of the atmosphere and climate and help further develop and evaluate atmospheric and climate models.

Career aspirations

I want to become a professor at a research university or a research scientist at a research institution.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school.

Talk to professors whose work you are interested in at the schools you are looking at. Do undergraduate research.

Accomplishments during your graduate career that you are proud of.

I’ve only completed one semester, but I am proud of all of the work and progress I have been able to make in that one semester, including being able to talk about and understand my research area.