Mallory Neumann

Mallory Neumann

"For my personal and professional growth."

College: Law
Degree: Juris Doctor

Award: Florida Gubernatorial Fellowship (2017)


During my undergraduate studies in Food Science and Human Nutrition, I discovered that I wanted to do more than influence individuals’ dietary and lifestyle habits. Instead, I wanted to be able to shape policies pertaining to food and agriculture that would impact the greater public. In order to gain the necessary advocacy skills and understanding of the legislative and administrative environment, I decided to pursue a legal education. My time at Florida State University College of Law has provided me with the skills I need to be an effective advocate along with numerous opportunities to hone those skills, such as through the Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program.

As a Gubernatorial Fellow, I have the opportunity to learn from our State’s leaders and policymakers. Through my placement at the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, I am gaining unique experience in administering policies that benefit Florida’s citizens. During the fellowship, I am pursuing comprehensive research to find solutions to a food and agricultural issue facing Floridians today. The ability to gain this experience as a student and to advocate for the implementation of a new policy is invaluable.