"Use science to make world better"

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Hua Huang
National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship


My motivation for pursuing a PhD degree in math is to do some interesting research, and in this process, I gained adequate knowledge and skills needed for the future job market. In my research, I use High Performance Computing (HPC) to compute acoustic related fluid problems. HPC made it possible to carry out high-fidelity simulations. My computing will reveal the physical process of sound generation and trigger new ideals on how to mitigate the noise emitted. This fellowship gave me a wonderful opportunity to learn from and work with the world's best scientists in scientific computing. I was able to learn the cutting edge techniques in this field, and these skills and this knowledge can be taken back to my PhD research at FSU. I also gained a feeling of what's it like to work at a national laboratory, which is definitely beneficial for my future career planning.