Domonique Caro-Rora

Headshot of Domonique Cora Rora

”Self-directed learning with expert support.”

College: Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Degree Program: Math Education
Degree: Doctoral

Award: McKnight Dissertation Fellowship (2024)

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree at FSU

During my time as a teacher, I attended a professional development event, Cognitively Guided Instruction, hosted by professors and staff associated with FSU. The opportunity changed the way I approached teaching mathematics and sparked my curiosity to understand children's mathematical thinking. Shortly after that, I discovered researchers who used a similar approach as me for teaching and learning mathematics. But some of my research interests remained unexplored. Therefore, after teaching for nine years, I decided to pursue a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in order to explore some of these research areas.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

My work centers on training pre-service elementary teachers, understanding children's thinking, and equity in mathematics learning. For too many students, mathematics is a barrier to studying and building careers in STEM fields. My research focuses on increasing the quality of mathematics teaching and positive student-experiences so that mathematics is less of barrier to advanced mathematics and sciences.

Career aspirations

I plan to work as an assistant professor in teacher education to help train future elementary teachers. My research will focus on improving the quality of mathematics instruction for children and will inform my instructional content for elementary pre-service teachers.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Graduate school is what you make of it. Use the time to explore topics and experiences in your field that interest you, because you may not have the opportunity again to take classes in an interesting subject.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I am honored to have recently received the Graduate Student Leadership Award from the Graduate School and McKnight Dissertation Fellowship from the Florida Education Fund.