Brian Davis

Headshot of Brian Davis

"Be the bridge for the next generation."

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: History
Degree: Doctoral

Awards: McKnight Dissertation Fellowship (2024), Society of Military History Summer Seminar Fellowship (2024)

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree at FSU

My undergraduate advisors encouraged me to continue to graduate school. They recognized and supported my passion for history, especially African American history. I chose Florida State University because of the opportunity to work with Drs. Maxine Jones and Kurt Peihler in the Department of History. Although my GPA and GRE did not meet the standards of FSU, the department and my advisors had faith in my dedication to earn an MA and PhD.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

Historical literature continues to overlook the roles and experiences of Black military troops throughout American history. My goal is to complete our understanding of African American servicemembers' experiences during the Cold War. I will examine how the Black Freedom Movement overlaps and influences their experiences.

Career aspirations

After my Ph.D., I hope to pursue a career in academia. I aspire to work as a professor in a college or university, where I will continue teaching, mentoring, and researching.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Go to graduate school because you have a deep passion for what you are studying. If you are interested in graduate school, do your homework. Apply to departments with scholars you want to work with and reach out to them. Once you are in the program, find a support group. Graduate school is demanding, and it's important to have a strong support group of friends, family, and peers to support you through the challenges.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I am proud to have had a graduate assistantship through the history department throughout my graduate degree. I have also been honored with several awards including the McKnight Dissertation Fellowship, the Dean's Award for Doctoral Excellence, the Wallace Reichelt Oral History Fellowship, and the Society of Military History Summer Seminar Fellowship.