Danielle Wirsansky

Headshot of Danielle Wiransky

”Empowerment through knowledge, impact, advocacy.”

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: History
Degree: Doctoral

Awards: Fulbright Study/Research Award (2024)


Why FSU?

I chose to pursue my graduate degree at FSU for several reasons, but primarily because of the incredible opportunities and support the university offers its students. As someone who is currently working on my fourth degree from FSU, I have experienced firsthand the wealth of resources, the vibrant academic community, and the dedication of faculty and staff to student success. FSU provides a nurturing environment that fosters academic growth, personal development, and professional advancement. Additionally, I am drawn to FSU's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and innovation, which aligns with my own values and aspirations. Overall, I believe FSU is the perfect place for me to further my education and make the most of the opportunities available to me.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

The pursuit of a graduate degree has been motivated by my deep passion for scholarly inquiry and my desire to make meaningful contributions to my field of study. Throughout my academic journey, I have been driven by a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity to explore complex issues in depth. A graduate degree offers the opportunity to delve deeper into my areas of interest, conduct original research, and engage in critical discourse with peers and mentors. Furthermore, I am motivated by the prospect of honing my analytical skills, expanding my expertise, and ultimately, making a positive impact in academia and beyond.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

The importance of my research and work lies in its potential to shed light on underexplored aspects of history, particularly regarding the experiences of women in conflict and their contributions to pivotal moments in our past. By focusing on the gendered dynamics within historical events, such as the role of women agents in wartime espionage during World War II, I aim to challenge conventional narratives and broaden our understanding of historical phenomena. Additionally, my research has broader implications for contemporary society by highlighting the diverse perspectives and voices that have shaped our collective history.

Tell us about your Fullbright experience

While I haven't yet embarked on my Fulbright experience in Israel, I am incredibly excited about the opportunity it presents. Starting this October, I'll have the privilege of delving into the archives at Yad Vashem to conduct research for my dissertation on the experiences of women agents during World War II. This Fulbright fellowship represents not only a significant milestone in my academic journey but also a chance to deepen my understanding of history firsthand.

Career aspirations

My career aspirations revolve around my passion for research and writing. Ultimately, I aspire to delve deeper into academia, contributing to the scholarly community through my research endeavors. I envision myself continuing to explore the intersections of history, gender studies, and social activism, with the goal of shedding light on marginalized voices and untold narratives. Whether it's through teaching, publishing, or advocacy work, I hope to make a meaningful impact in my field and beyond.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

For anyone considering graduate school, my advice would be to follow your passion and pursue what truly interests you. It's important to choose a program and research area that align with your long-term goals and aspirations. Additionally, don't hesitate to reach out to professors, current students, and alumni to gain insights and guidance throughout the application process and beyond. Lastly, don't be shy about trying out new opportunities as they arise, you might surprise yourself and discover something amazing!

Accomplishments during graduate career

During my studies, I have been honored to be awarded the Elie Wiesel Social Action Fellowship. I have also been awarded several travel grants to participated in conferences including the Russell F. Weigley Travel Award and the Owenby Travel Grant.

During my graduate career, I've had the privilege of achieving several significant milestones. Notably, I've served in various leadership roles for White Mouse Productions, including managing director, marketing sirector, and finance director, where I've contributed to the success of numerous theatrical productions. Additionally, as vice president of the History Graduate Student Association, I spearheaded the organization of the 14th Annual Southeastern Graduate Conference, fostering academic exchange and collaboration. I've also had the honor of representing the Dramatist Guild as its ambassador for the Panhandle of Florida and receiving nominations to the National Council. Moreover, my creative endeavors have been recognized with awards such as the LGBTQ+ Award at the Orlando Fringe Festival for a musical I directed. Finally, I've garnered accolades including Best Director, Best Play or Musical, and Best New Play or Musical in the Tallahassee Broadway World Awards, underscoring the impact of my work in the theatrical realm. I've also published two academic papers!

What are your hobbies outside of school?

In my spare time, I indulge in the art of playwriting and directing, channeling my creativity into bringing stories to life on the stage. Theater serves as both a creative outlet and a platform for exploring historical narratives in innovative ways. Alongside my theatrical pursuits, I also have a penchant for photography, capturing moments that inspire and intrigue me, whether it's scenes from daily life or creative portraits.