Camila Bentancur

Headshot of Camila Bentacur

”Before FSU, I studied in Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, and Uruguay”

College: Motion Picture Arts
Degree Program: Scriptwriting
Degree: Master's

Awards: Fulbright Foreign Student Program (2023)


Why FSU?

I heard that FSU has one of the Top Film Schools in the country, with a history of alumni receiving accolades and awards including winning Oscars. I've been excited to have the opportunity to work in multiple roles of film production including as a producer, director, writer, sound mixer, boom operator, and editor. I have also made wonderful memories with my professors and classmates that will stick with me forever.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

Growing up as Latina and part of the LGBTQ+ community, I didn't have the representation in media that I craved for. Even now, movies are mostly made by--and mostly about--white straight cis-men. So I decided to create my own stories. Enrolling in this program allowed me to write about the obstacles I had to face to get to this point, to give voice to those that are often silenced, and to question stereotypes.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

I've written and produced films to offer a greater representation of oppressed communities and to spread awareness in different areas. Last year, I directed the Cinehassee Film Festival to screen Hispanic movies, and this year I'm organizing a Film Festival with movies produced and directed by women. Overall, my work continues to push for an promote minorities and underserved groups in this field.

Career aspirations

My dream is to create films that can make a positive change, not only by offering a strong messages through the stories that I write, but also by including minorities in cast and crew positions. My goal is to make the industry a better place for us all.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

English is not my first language, so I was too shy to reach out to people at the beginning. Eventually, I realized people around campus are so kind, they would never make fun of me or my accent. On the contrary, thanks to reaching out I made a second family in this foreign country. So, I would encourage anyone here who may be shy or worried about the language barrier to go out of your comfort zone and approach your classmates and peers around you! You may be surprised by how friendly and supportive people are in this community and have the opportunity to create new life-long friendships.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I'm proud to have recently finished a feature script; it's not easy but it feels so fulfilling when it's done. The highlights of my semester were directing a film festival and being chosen by Aquila, a local production company, to bring my pages to the big screen. We screened our projects in two festivals already, and it makes me emotional each time I see people in the theatre react to something I wrote.

What hobbies do you enjoy outside of school?

Besides watching movies and series with my wife, I love painting and composing music in my free time. So if you ever want to make songs or go to the movies, reach out to me!