Sarah Matthew

Sarah Matthew

"Empower yourself to empower others."

College: Social Work
Degree Program: Social Work
Degree: Master's

Award: AAUW Career Development Grant (2023)

Why FSU?

I chose FSU's College of Social Work because its graduate program is top-ranked within the social work community. I knew my experience would be challenging with a full-time job and a young daughter, so I needed a supportive, flexible program to assist me with everything from admissions to field placement to financial aid. And I am pleased to confirm that FSU has done just that and more. I am a proud Nole!

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I have always dreamed of being a social worker. However, while earning my associate's degree, I worked two part-time jobs and struggled to survive under the federal poverty line. I was exhausted and stressed until I secured a full-time bank teller job, receiving a livable wage and excellent benefits. I aligned my bachelor's degree with the company's business needs for tuition reimbursement, quickly earned several impressive promotions, and achieved the financial stability I always yearned for. However, ten years passed, and as the world quite literally burned in 2020, I remembered those social work aspirations I once had. Unable to stand by idly, I decided to pursue my graduate degree to help others who are struggling, just as I once was.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

Trauma is ubiquitous, impacting people of all cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, genders, etc. Its dangerous effects burden our health care, criminal justice, and school systems, yet mental health care is still a stigmatized luxury in this country. We all deserve a safe and supportive space to heal, and community mental health workers can help remove many barriers.

Career aspirations

Upon graduation, I intend to pursue a career in the community mental health field as a clinical social worker. I am particularly passionate about the intimate partner violence and sexual assault survivor population. After partnering with clients at the micro-level as a licensed therapist, I want to eventually advocate for women and LGBTQIA+ rights at the macro-level in policy reform.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Graduate school is a significant commitment of time, energy, and money. Ensure you protect your investment by taking care of yourself. The last thing you want is to burn out before you even enter your field. Remember your "why" and replenish your cup as often as possible. You've got this!

Accomplishments during graduate career

I am proud to have been awarded the American Association of University Women Career Development Grant and the Herndon Scholars Program Scholarship. I have also maintained a 4.0 GPA while juggling classes, work, and a daughter, qualifying me for the Phi Alpha National Social Work Honor Society.