Isabella Leite Coscarella
"Improve medicine by the scientific method"
College: Medicine
Degree Program: Biomedical Sciences
Degree: Doctoral
Why FSU?
The Biomedical Science Doctoral Program at FSU is well-known and very open to international students to apply. On top of that, Dr. Jose Pinto is an excellent researcher and professor in the cardiac muscle field. His lab has published several outstanding studies, which made me become fascinated by genetic mutations associated with cardiomyopathies. I feel very lucky to work with Dr. Jose Pinto today at FSU.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
Since my undergraduate course in Biomedical Sciences, I enjoyed working in a laboratory. To do research that assists medicine applications are a great motivation for me. It is comforting to know that a study or discovery made inside a laboratory can have great consequences for the population. The graduate degree only paves the way for the researcher to become skillful to do these exciting discoveries!
Importance and/or impact of research and work
I study cardiomyopathies, which are diseases that affect the cardiac muscle. Cardiomyopathies can drive terrible modifications in the heart's anatomy and function, and I can verify what other modifications are there but at a cellular level. For that, I use human stem cells - hiPSC - to study behaviors of cardiomyopathies at this cellular level. I investigate protein level and communication changes, cytoskeleton, and nuclear alterations. In addition, I perform drug-testing of new drugs that are in clinical trials at the moment, and they will probably be available soon for the population affected by cardiovascular diseases.
Career aspirations
My goal is to work in a biotech company where I can use the skills acquired during my Ph.D. studies. To continue studying cardiac diseases using different models, and the hiPSC model are my career aspirations, together with the possibility of helping medicine improvement for patients.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Lots of study and dedication, but also have time for fun and rest. Ph.D. is a long journey and you will have to learn a lot which can be tiring sometimes. Have a good relationship with your PI, look for a good environment in your laboratory, and the most important thing: be passionate about your research! Nothing beats passion when it comes to science!
Accomplishments during graduate career
I am extremely happy to collaborate with so many other researchers in the cardiac field. I feel completely motivated when I get the chance to work closely to people that I admire, such as Dr. Stephen Chelko, another cardiac expert in the Biomedical Sciences Department that I got the chance to work and publish with. I also published an article: Coscarella IL, Landim-Vieira M, Pinto JR, Chelko SP. Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: Exercise Pitfalls, Role of Connexin-43, and Moving beyond Antiarrhythmics. Int J Mol Sci. 2022.