Sen Wang

"Exploration and Creativity Change the World"
College: Education
Degree Program: Reading Education and Language Arts
Degree: Doctorate
Why FSU?
The Reading Education and Language Arts Program at the FSU College of Education and the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) are well-known across the United States. I believe that I can receive support and guidance from great scholars here and be able to conduct my research in the future. In addition, the inclusive school culture that makes students feel embraced is essential for international students, contributing to our overall educational experience.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
A graduate degree will help me learn how children learn to read to a much greater extent. I can conduct my research and develop my thoughts and ideas regarding how to support children's reading development. I have opportunities to make connections with people professionally and to learn from them. Finally, I can create knowledge that contributes to understanding children's reading development.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
I study children's language and literacy development that will contribute to their subsequent reading development. Reading is complex, and it will impact children's academic performance and broader life outcomes. Learning how to facilitate the process early is essential for building a strong foundation for developing reading skills. This process is especially essential for children living in poverty and for culturally and linguistically diverse children. I want to help these children get equal opportunities to develop their reading skills, which may help enrich their lives.
Career aspirations
I want to be a professor to conduct my research and develop my thoughts on reading education. I want to create a comprehensive home literacy model to understand how home literacy experiences impact children's reading development and how to help parents implement literacy strategies to facilitate children's language and literacy development.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Figure out who you are and what you want to contribute. Seek help and support if you cannot figure your problems out. Keep reading, keep thinking, and keep exploring.
Accomplishments during graduate career
I received the 2022 Marvalene Hughes Graduate Research Travel Award from the College of Education. I have presented at the AERA and LRA conferences multiple times. I have submitted my first first-authored paper. My work was featured by the FCRR.