Caitlyn Beasley

Caitlyn Beasley

"Education opens the door to opportunity"

College: Social Sciences and Public Policy
Degree Program: Urban and Regional Planning
Degree: Master's

Award: American Planning Association International Division Student Grant (2022)


Why FSU?

Upon completion of my undergraduate degree, I knew that I loved Tallahassee and that I wanted to stay in town for another degree. I had the opportunity to take an introductory urban planning course during the last semester of my undergraduate degree. Here, a group of graduate students spoke to our class about their experience in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP). This presentation drew me to the program.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I am a first-generation college student and take pride in the love that I have for education. Being a first-generation college student has always motivated me to pursue an education to the highest degree possible. Education opens the door for many opportunities and is an invaluable experience. My parents have constantly supported my endeavors, motivating me to be the best student and person I can be.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

My research offers a needs assessment for a rural community in Ecuador. This assessment has surveyed various stakeholders in the community, empowering voices that could be left unheard if this research was done by a different entity. Being a third party, separate from political or monetary gain, allowed my research to be unbiased, which is incredibly important in serving under-serviced communities. This research is important because it aims to create the foundational layer for creation of a master plan in Puerto Cayo, Ecuador.

Career aspirations

My career aspirations are to create a more accessible world. In my career, I do not want to be limited to the United States, and I value traveling tremendously. I don't think that there is a one-size-fits-all model to responsible development. Experiencing various cultures allows one to gain new perspectives on life; I would like to continue to travel in my career and create a cultured lens of the world that I am able to use for the benefit of others.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Graduate school is tremendously different than undergrad. Prepare yourself for challenges. However, know that the benefits of the challenges you face greatly outweigh the exhaustion that they cause. Be prepared to read a lot and attend class; it matters.

Accomplishments during graduate career

During my graduate career I have had the ability to play club lacrosse at Florida State, where I served as captain. Additional to this, I was the chair of the Sports Club Executive Council, where I managed a budget of thirty-eight sports teams ($100,000) and led a council dedicated to enhancing students' experiences in sports. I am also proud to be a 2022 recipient of the American Planning Association International Division Student Grant.