Shannon Duncanson

Shannon Duncanson

"To help you cement your passion"

College: Law
Degree Program: Juris Doctor
Degree: Doctoral

Awards: Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program (2021)

Why FSU?

The College of Law offered everything I was looking for in a law school: a  supportive environment, amazing professors, and a diverse set of classes to choose from. From the moment I step foot on campus to tour, I felt that I was already a member of the school and that the people wanted me to be there. Additionally, since I'm interested in government work, being steps away from the capitol and every state agency is a great perk.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I had been interested in going to law school since I was in high school. Law is fascinating and impacts everyone in their daily lives. I wanted to be part of profession that has such a large impact on so many people.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

The Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program has allowed me to experience first hand the intricacies of state government and be part of helping the state run efficiently to provide necessary services to employees. I'm proud to have a position that has allowed me to help better my home state.

Career aspirations

I hope to continue the work I have started as a Gubernatorial Fellow as an attorney in some capacity for the State of Florida or the federal government.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Be passionate about what you are doing and make sure to leave some time in your day just for you. It can be easy at times to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of grad school.

Accomplishments during academic career

I received the Conflicts of Law - Book Award, and the Public International Law - Book Award