Saptarshi Bhowmik

"Research funded. Degree earned. Job landed."
College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Computer Science
Degree: Doctorate
Why FSU?
I always wanted to learn more about systems and network technology, and FSU has an amazing computer science program that is one of the best in systems.
What motivated you to pursue a graduate degree?
I was motivated to pursue a graduate degree because I wanted to take up research in computer science as my career. Secondly, I want to be master of a small, specific domain of knowledge so that I can work later as a skilled professional rather than working in a normal white-collar job. Thirdly, graduates have more basic pay than undergraduates, so the salary is a motivating factor for me.
Importance of your research and work:
I work in designing topologies for supercomputers. My work is at least ten years ahead of its time. My research field is very small and has applications in places that use supercomputers, like defense and national laboratories.
Career aspirations
I want to become a computer scientist in the future and work in industrial research laboratories
Advice for anyone considering graduate school:
One liner: "A few extra years of study will get you many more returns."
Accomplishments during graduate career
I have been involved in the Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) and have secured an internship with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Saptarshi Bhowmik Celebrating the FSU Graduate Experience
Video Credit: Samantha Klupchak, UROP Research Intern