Rebecca Curran

"There is so much more to learn!"
College: Fine Arts
Degree Program: Theatre
Degree: Doctorate
Why FSU?
I finished my bachelor's at FSU and wanted to return to work with the professors I had grown close to during my undergraduate years. I also really like the Tallahassee community, and after five years in cold, snowy places, I was ready for some warmth!
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I decided I wanted to teach at the college level -- and, to be honest, I've always liked school a lot more than any of the jobs I've had!
Importance and impact of research
I'm looking at violence in Northern Ireland, especially during the era of "The Troubles," and how it is represented onstage. When I started this research, Brexit had just happened and some people were worried about the violence being reignited. While that is still important, as the United States grew more and more divided over the past four years, I saw some interesting parallels and wanted to see what I could learn from them.
Advice for prospective graduate students
Take care of your mental health and set up support structures when you begin. The first year can be the hardest, and it might be difficult to figure that out once you've already started a graduate program.
Accomplishments during graduate career
I presented my research at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education last summer. This was my first conference. I was accepted to present there again with a panel of other Irish Theatre scholars. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I was also accepted to present at the International Federation for Theatre Research, Summer 2021, so I have a lot of writing to do when the current semester, fall 2021, ends! On a more personal level, having students who I teach tell me that my feedback is helpful or that they enjoy my lecture always makes me very, very happy.
Career aspirations
In my dream world, I am a dramaturg or literary manager at a theatre company and teach on the side. I love teaching, but I want to keep one foot in the theatre industry so that I can teach any students who want to enter it.