Qiushan Liu

"To investigate what interests you"
College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Developmental Psychology
Degree: Doctorate
Why FSU?
I chose to attend FSU because of many reasons. One of the most important reasons is because I believe my research interest aligns well with my advisor. Additionally, the positive environment I have experienced made me believe that FSU can foster my development and help me succeed in the field of Developmental Psychology.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I always wanted to to pursue a PhD because it allows me to develop the skills to investigate the questions I am interested in. I always enjoyed research, and by pursuing a PhD, I am able to get excellent training in research. Lastly, pursing a PhD makes it easier for me to be a lifetime learner and to be knowledgeable in a field I am interested in.
Importance and impact of research
My research focuses on the cognitive factors that influences math performance and math learning. Many students and adults struggle with math, and many are scared of math. I hope my research will have educational implications; by investigating what cognitive abilities relate to math performance and how these cognitive abilities impact math performance, we can develop interventions that make math easier and less intimidating.
Accomplishments during graduate school
I am proud of winning the Master’s in Four, People’s Choice Award and the Lois P. Watson Scholarship.
Advice for prospective graduate students
I would recommend you consider what is your goal for pursuing graduate school. Do you just want an advanced degree so that it is easier to find a job? Are your interested in investigating certain questions? If you are interested in research and enjoy doing research and finding answers to your questions, you may consider a PhD as a good option. Otherwise, a masters degree may be a better option given that a PhD means at least a five-year commitment.
Career aspirations
I hope to stay in the academia and continue my research. I hope by continuing my research, I will be able to implement interventions into educational settings and help students who struggle with math.