Profilia Nord

Headshot for Profilia Nord

”Higher education unlocks many doors.”

College: Medicine
Degree Program: M. D.
Degree: Medicine
Award: BWH STARS Program

Why FSU Graduate School?

Through my medical degree, I want to serve those who are under-served and marginalized in the healthcare system. Fortunately, the FSU College of Medicine (COM) mission aligns with my own. In most cases, the population I want to serve is cast-off to the side but here at FSU COM they are the focal point.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

I'm currently involved in clinical research, which fosters a deeper understanding of disease mechanisms, treatment options, and patient outcomes, ultimately enhancing the quality of care.

Career aspirations

I would like to be a surgical physician that it is involved in global health initiatives.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Graduate school is a significant and costly commitment, both financially and emotionally, so it's essential to thoroughly research the program. Reach out to current students to gain their insights and perspectives. Additionally, ensure that the program's mission statement aligns with your values and that it will bring you closer to your end goals.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I was voted Class President for my Medical School class. I have also served on the Medical Student Council and the Congress of Graduate Students. I am also serving as the Director of Food Distribution for the Chapman Community Health Program.