Pengpeng Wang

Pengpeng Wang

"Explore something different, challenge yourself."

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Statistics
Degree: Doctorate

Why did you choose to attend FSU to pursue a graduate degree?

The faculty research areas in the Department of Statistics at FSU interested me a lot. FSU provides funding for my PhD study, and I like the warm weather in Florida.

What motivated you to pursue a graduate degree?

I wanted to have deeper and broader knowledge in statistics. I’d also like to explore the culture of the United States. (I’m from China.)

Describe the importance of your research and work? Why should anyone care about the work you are doing?

I work on improving the accuracy of current statistical models by focusing on the correlations between the trend of medical test results and the risk of having a disease. I hope my research can help people determine a treatment as early as possible.

Briefly describe your career aspirations.

I plan to start as a statistician to help with drug development in a pharmaceutical company. In the future, I'd like to become a clinical study lead and then a clinical study team manager.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school.

If you are going to join a PhD program, it’s better to choose a program where the faculty research areas match your research interests.

Accomplishments during your graduate career that you are proud of.

2018 finalist in the Three Minute Thesis competition at Florida State University.