Mary Duffy

Mary Duffy

"Research: Learning, growing, and helping others."

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Clinical Psychology
Degree: Doctorate

Award: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2018)


Why FSU?

I chose to earn my doctoral degree in clinical psychology at FSU because of the many opportunities available to students in the program. The rigorous training program and dedication to science in both research and clinical work was appealing to me. Here, I am surrounded by like-minded and high-achieving peers in an environment where we are all motivated to be the best we can be. Additionally, at FSU, I have the great fortune of receiving mentorship from Dr. Thomas Joiner, a leader in the suicidology field.

Importance of your research and work

My research focuses on the intersection of eating disorders and suicide, particularly the role of body attitudes and experiences in these areas of psychopathology. This is an understudied area with the potential for improving our understanding of and ability to intervene in these high-cost areas. I am pursuing a graduate degree with the eventual goal of a career in clinical psychology in which I can engage in both research and clinical practice.

Advice for prospective graduate students

My advice to current graduate students is to push yourself to go after opportunities, even if chances of success are small. Apply for the grant, ask to be nominated for an award, introduce yourself to your research idol at a conference; if it doesn’t work, you’ll grow from trying. And sometimes, it does work.

Accomplishments during graduate career

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship provides multi-year funding support so that I can prioritize research instead of holding a GA position. During this time, I can pursue an independent line of research squarely within my areas of interest.