Maria Anastasiou

Maria Anastasiou

"Learn to push beyond the limits."

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Physics
Degree: Doctorate

Why FSU?

I was interested in experimental nuclear physics. FSU's Physics department has an in-house accelerator facility and an excellent Nuclear Astrophysics program.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

A combination of my passion for physics and research.

Importance and impact of research

From basic, academic nuclear physics research, many applications are developed for medical physics, environmental physics, and industry.

Career aspirations

I hope one day I could lead my own research group. I think I will always be passionate about nuclear astrophysics, but I also hope I could dedicate part of my research time in some environmental applications, for example processing and minimizing nuclear waste from reactors.

Advice for prospective graduate students

It is a really bumpy ride for sure, but it is definitely rewarding in the end! Earning a PhD is not just about gaining expertise on your field. It is a whole journey during which you get to push past your limits, grow up, and accomplish great things

Accomplishments during graduate career

Obtaining travel awards to participate in conferences, working with undergraduate students and younger graduate students in our research group, and developing new features in my detection system.