Madelyn Moosbrugger

Madelyn Moosbrugger

"To expand opportunities and foster connections"

College: Social Sciences and Public Policy
Degree Program: Public Administration
Degree: Master's

Award: Florida Legislative Fellowship (2023)

Why FSU?

I chose to attend FSU for my master’s degree because it has an excellent Public Administration Program. I like that there are different focuses within the degree program, allowing me to really study and specialize in what I am interested in. I want to work for the intelligence community, so I liked that FSU has an Intelligence Studies certificate program within the MPA degree. The staff and faculty in the program have great experience in the field and are great connections to make. I also chose FSU because it is located in the capital city, allowing for the best work opportunities related to public administration while in school.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I had the opportunity to work for the South Carolina Senate Finance Committee during my undergraduate studies, and many people there had MPAs. They spoke highly of the benefits of an MPA and said how much value there was in the degree when working for the government. After considering this advice and doing more research, I realized that a master’s in public administration would be essential to standing out among my peers and becoming a governmental leader who will effectively serve the public. An MPA will further my knowledge of government policy and administrative matters, helping me gain a better understanding of the political arena and government management. These reasons motivated me to pursue a master’s degree.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

Since I am just starting my graduate career, I have not started research yet. Work-wise though, I will be working for the Florida House of Representatives through the Florida Legislative Fellowship. This work is important because it will give me hands-on experience in governmental work, and I will be able to practice what I have learned in the classroom. It will also be a great opportunity to learn more about Florida state affairs and become a more informed citizen.

Career aspirations

After finishing my education, it is my career goal to work for the intelligence community, particularly the CIA. I want to use my education to work on issues of national security and keep our nation safe from threats. I am also interested in working for state government, which I hope to gain experience for through my fellowship and non-certificate-focused courses.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Graduate school is a great investment, and my advice to anyone considering it is to make sure you are passionate about what you are studying. When you are passionate about your degree, classes are so much more engaging and you will benefit so much from them. It is also a good idea to look up people who currently have your dream job and see what kinds of education and work experiences they have. Is the degree you are studying going to get you to that position? Lastly, talk to your former professors if you have questions and concerns. They are very knowledgeable and often helpful in the application process.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I am proud to have been awarded the Florida Legislative Fellowship.