Lindsi Allman

"You will learn, teach, and grow"
College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Geology
Degree: Doctoral
Why FSU?
I attended FSU as an undergraduate and loved the experience, so continuing my education here was an easy choice. The lab resources are unique, especially having access to the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Further, I am from Tallahassee and my family lives here, including my grandparents. One of my grandmothers has Alzheimer's, and being around her as often as I can is important to me. Being able to spend time with family and receive a great education simultaneously is an amazing opportunity and are the reasons I chose FSU.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I am just curious about everything and that motivated me to continue my education. The more I learn, the more there is to know, and pursuing a graduate degree is a great way to keep learning. Additionally, I enjoy being able to communicate what I have learned to other people and teach them (especially cool things about rocks). Being a teaching assistant during my time in the Geology Program has been fulfilling in this regard. I also enjoy lab work. It is oddly soothing in a way to be busy doing hands-on work exploring something new and interesting.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
Climate change. It is something we hear about all the time, but we have a lot more to learn about it. My research focuses on long term climate changes that happened on Earth millions of years ago, and how the dynamic earth system processed these changes. Specifically I focus on periods when rocks were heated and released carbon into the atmosphere. Usually this process happens due to an extreme amount of volcanic activity (but like way, way more than even if Yellowstone exploded). When these things happen, life takes a gigantic hit and extinction often occurs. By studying these events we can have a better understanding of the Earth and what to expect during the current climate crisis.
Career aspirations
At this moment my thought is that I would like to be a professor one day. Currently, I like the idea of teaching at a university eventually.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Ask lots and lots of questions, even if you think they are too vague. Also, it is important to find an advisor who you get along with well and who supports you and understands your communication style. Lastly, don't be afraid. It is a lot of work but you can do it and it isn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be.
Accomplishments during graduate career
Making the College National Championships in Ultimate Frisbee at the last year of my eligibility in Spring 2022. I will be coaching the team this coming season and am super duper thrilled about that.