Laurel Field


”Develop as a scientist, gain experience”

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Biological Science (Ecology and Evolution)
Degree: Doctorate

Why FSU?

One reason I decided to pursue a PhD was to have the opportunity to design and conduct my own research project, which was not something I had the chance to do during my master’s degree. When applying to PhD programs, the Lester Lab at Florida State University was one of my top choices because of the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of the lab, as well as Dr. Sarah Lester’s expertise and mentoring style. I decided on attending FSU after visiting as a prospective student because I liked the inclusiveness of the lab and the department and because I could see myself working well with Dr. Lester.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

My research is focused on improving the detection of and response to climate change impacts to nearshore marine ecosystems in the Caribbean, mainly coral reefs. I have been working closely with partners in the Caribbean to develop research projects that are responsive to local priorities and incorporate community perspectives and knowledge. My research is helping generate local solutions to the global problem of climate change and aims to make a tangible difference by informing natural resource management and conservation approaches.

Career aspirations

I want to work for a non-governmental organization as a marine conservation scientist after graduating. I am very interested in projects relating to climate resilience, sustainable food systems, and community-engaged science. I would also like to continue to support international conservation projects in a future position.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Make sure that your research interests align well with your potential advisor and that your communication styles are a good match. For me, it was also important to consider departmental culture and graduate student involvement. One piece of advice I was given when I was applying to graduate school is to make sure you like the writing style of your advisor (their academic papers) because this is how you will end up writing, too.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I have logged more than 100 scientific SCUBA dives since starting at FSU! Building my scientific diving skills was a goal of mine when I set out to do a PhD. I am also proud of the service I am doing for the department. Along with several other graduate students in the Department of Biological Science, I am working to improve mentor/mentee relationships in our department. So far, our working group has instituted an annual mentoring survey for graduate students and is planning to host workshops and seminars related to good mentoring.