Lataisia Jones

"Train yourself to be the best."
College: Medicine
Degree Program: Biomedical Sciences
Degree: Doctorate
Award: Leaders Recognizing Leaders Award (2017); Bryan Robinson Endowment Fellowship (2016); Leslie N. Wilson-Delores Auzenne Graduate Assistantship (2014, 2015, 2016)
Video Credit: Yarden Ben David, UROP Research Assistant
Why FSU?
I chose to earn my PhD in Biomedical Sciences at FSU because I love the welcoming atmosphere and the amazing training opportunities. I also appreciate the collaborative spirit across disciplines, which allows for widespread networking opportunities and has extended the scope of my research.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I decided to pursue a graduate degree because I wanted to further explore my passion for lab research and gain training that would allow me to create research opportunities for future scientists.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
My research focus is on neuropsychiatric and developmental disorders that affect kids. This work is important because it increases what is known regarding childhood health disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, further improving diagnosis and treatment.
Career aspirations
I aspire to use my STEM background within a policy position that will allow me to create and improve education and outreach opportunities for the future leaders of science. I also plan to take my research experience and skills to an international level and assist with research innovation and project management.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Graduate school has allowed me to develop mentally, physically, and emotionally. I've made it through challenges that I never imagined overcoming while strengthening my skill set and knowledge in STEM. During graduate school, I explored the advantages of networking while fine-tuning my ability to present my project to a variety of audiences at domestic and international conferences. I mentored and taught multiple undergraduate and medical school students, sparking an understanding of the importance of research and building lasting relationships. My current career confidence stems from my experience within graduate school. Therefore, I would advise anyone considering graduate school to apply immediately and prepare for a life-altering opportunity.
Accomplishments during graduate career
Leaders Recognizing Leaders Award (2017), Suffolk New Harold Article: Suffolk Native Paves the Way (August 2017), Center for Research, Education, and Training Enhancement Award (2016), Bryan Robinson Endowment Fellowship (2016), Graduate Student Leadership Award (2016), Academic Leadership Award at FSU (2016), Leslie N. Wilson-Delores Auzenne Graduate Assistantship (2014, 2015, 2016), Life Sciences Symposium People’s Choice Poster Award (2016), The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Scholarship (2015).
News highlights
Virginia State Alumna Lataisia Jones Makes History at Florida State
Suffolk woman is first African American Ph.D. graduate of FSU program
FSU African-American doctoral graduate inspires others
Lataisia Jones becomes first African-American student to earn Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences
Where are they now?
Dr. Lataisia Jones is a Scientific Review Officer within the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).