Kirsten D'Souza

Kirsten D'Souza

"Applying learned skills to reach success."

College: Social Sciences and Public Policy
Degree Program: Political Science/Applied American Politics and Policy (MAAPP)
Degree: Master's

Award: Florida House of Representatives Legislative Internship Program (2018)


Why FSU?

I attended FSU for my undergraduate degree, and when I was told about the MAAPP graduate program, I had not heard of any other program like it. The idea of still being able to attend FSU and live in our state's capital appealed to me as well.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I was motivated to go to graduate school because I wanted to become more knowledgeable and well-rounded in regard to politics and policy. I am still motivated in my pursuit of a graduate degree because every class has taught me valuable skills that are applicable in real-world politics and policy. Additionally, I am able to work full-time and still perform well in my graduate program, so I feel that there are no barriers stopping me from pursuing my degree.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

While the MAAPP program is not research based, we learn about the political and policy work that happens every day at every level: local, state, and federal. A majority of graduates from the MAAPP program end up applying the skills they have learned at a job that has an effect on political and policy processes in one way or another. People should care about this work because everyone is affected by it.

Career aspirations

To be the chief of staff for a U.S. senator or representative and then, hopefully, for a future president one day.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Talk to graduate students who are currently in the program you’re interested in and/or set-up a meeting with the program director to discuss what your interests and goals are to see if the graduate program is the right fit for you. While graduate school is not the best option for everyone, I am of the firm belief that more education and another degree will never work against you in life.

Accomplishments during academic career

I was given the opportunity to work in the Office of the Mayor here in Tallahassee through the Tallahassee Mayoral Fellowship Program, and I am now interning in the Florida House Education Committee through the Florida House of Representatives Internship Program.