Katie Broshek

Katie Broshek

"Answer the questions that excite you!"

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Clinical Psychology
Degree: Master's/Doctorate

Why FSU?

I chose to pursue a degree in Clinical Psychology because of the program's strong emphasis on both excellence in research and clinical work. I knew that if I attended FSU, I would receive the training and resources to contribute to meaningful research projects in a highly supportive environment. When I visited FSU as a prospective graduate student, it was so clear to me that students and faculty alike have a real passion for their research, and I could tell it was an environment that would push me to be the best scientist I can be.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I started to get involved with psychological research when I was a freshman in college. Over the course of my undergraduate career, I worked with so many talented graduate students who became both mentors and role models to me. I knew pursuing a graduate degree would allow me the freedom and resources to pursue the research questions that I felt excited about!

Importance of research and work

The goal of my research is to better understand the causes of suicidal behavior. Suicide is a leading cause of death, and too many of us have been directly impacted by suicide loss. While a difficult topic to study, addressing questions about the direct causes of suicidal behavior will inform how we develop the risk assessments and interventions that will allow us to reduce the burden of suicide on a large scale.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Pursue the questions that drive your curiosity! Graduate school is an amazing opportunity to follow your intellectual passions while surrounded by amazing peers and mentors who will challenge and support you along the way!

Career aspirations

My training at FSU emphasizes how the process of clinical diagnostics and treatment are inherently rooted in empiricism and the scientific method. In the future, I hope to continue contributing to meaningful research while also providing treatment that is informed by my training in clinical science.