John Green

"To help veterans"
College: Social Work
Degree Program: Social Work
Degree: Master's
Why FSU?
I was born and raised in Florida, and I have loved FSU since I was six years old. FSU has always been a dream of mine. I love garnet and gold.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
I have served my country for twenty-two years in the US Navy and currently work for the Department of Veterans Affairs. I want to work with veterans as a social worker to help and guide my brothers and sisters through their mental health issues.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
I am currently interning at the Polk County, Iowa, jail where I learn crisis management skills to assist inmates who are in crisis. I currently work full time at the Department of Veterans Affairs as a federal police sergeant and an instructor. I use what I have learned from my studies on a daily basis
Describe an aspect of your military service that is especially memorable or exceptional
I was stationed at Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville where I was part of the Drug Education for Youth (DEFY) program. The ages of the kids ranged from nine to thirteen and the program was geared toward confidence building, mentorship, and leadership. I was a counselor and camp director.
Tell us how your military service provided skills and experiences that you were able to apply to your graduate studies.
The amount of attention to detail that is required in the military carried over to my studies. It helped me stay organized and push through the challenges of classes that were hard for me. I am always striving to reach and pass that next hurdle.
Career aspirations
I want to work at the VA and be a part of mental health services to help break the stigma of mental health and stop the "twenty-two a day."
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
Make sure to set short-term goals so you can see your progress to achieve your ultimate goal. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and take time for yourself.
Accomplishments during graduate career
My personal accomplishment is achieving my dream of attending FSU and maintaining a high GPA. If someone told me years ago I would attend FSU getting a Master's in Social Work, I would laugh. These three years have been an accomplishment. I’m truly proud of myself and thankful for all the professors, TAs, and classmates.