Jimmy Saint Jean

headshot of Jimmy Saint Jean

”Advanced expertise, career advancement, personal growth.”

College: Applied Sciences
Degree Program: Law Enforcement Intelligence
Degree: Master's

Why FSU?

I was impressed with the specific programs and research opportunities offered at FSU as well as the quality of faculty, staff, and resources available to succeed. Lastly, at FSU, I know I have the ability to thrive with the support from the school and faculty.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I had a desire to deepen my knowledge and expertise in a particular field. I also wanted to advance my career prospects and earning potential. I was excited about the opportunity to engage in research and contribute to expanding the field's body of knowledge. Lastly, I wanted to pursue my passion for lifelong learning and personal development.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

As a Marine Corps veteran, I understand that research and work in law enforcement intelligence are crucial for ensuring national security and public safety. By studying and analyzing data related to criminal activities, threats, and trends, professionals in this field can identify potential risks and take proactive measures to prevent crimes and protect communities.

Describe an aspect of your military service that is especially memorable or exceptional

When I was a Marine Corps recruiter, I would often sit in on high school history classes. When the topic of 9/11 would come up, I was always highlighted for being in combat in that war.

Tell us how your military service provided skills and experiences that you were able to apply to your graduate studies

In the Marine Corps, we have a motto, “Ductus Exemplo,” or “leadership by example." Through the military, I have developed self-discipline and self-reliance, and never give up through stoicism.

Career aspirations

I hope to pursue a career at the federal level within a federal agency such as the FBI, CIA, or NSA. I am passionate about national security and believe this degree will be an important step toward my career goals.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Before committing to graduate school, carefully consider your career goals, interests, and the specific program you're interested in. Research various programs, their faculty, resources, and reputation. Additionally, assess the financial implications, including tuition costs, potential funding opportunities, and the return on investment for your chosen field. Finally, be prepared for the rigorous academic and time commitments that come with graduate studies, and ensure you're passionate and motivated about the subject matter you'll be studying.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

I enjoy playing video games when I am not working. I love playing Madden NFL and other sports video games.