Jhenai Chandler

Jhenai Chandler

College: Education
Degree Program: Higher Education
Degree: Doctorate

State your name, your program, and your degree that you’re seeking.

I’m Jhenai Chandler. I am a doctoral candidate in the Higher Education program concentrating on public policy.

Where are you from?

I am from Jersey City, New Jersey. I attended Florida State for my undergrad. I remained in Tallahassee after getting married and starting a family. I have two children, Madison is ten, and Devaris Jr. is five, and I have an awesome husband, Devaris.

What are your hobbies outside of research and school?

I work full time for the Division of Florida Colleges as the director of student leadership. I run, and I just try to exercise. It’s part of my hobby. I’m trying to read more just for leisure. But, as a graduate student, obviously, you know, it’s kind of hard.

Why did you choose FSU first when you were coming to undergrad, and why did you choose to stay for the graduate program?

I ended up transferring to FSU from Florida A&M. Florida State just offered me some resources that I needed, because I was having a child in undergrad, so I needed more resources to afford college. So, for graduate school, FSU sort of chose me, I like to say, because of access to resources. It just worked out well. And I was connected to amazing faculty members prior to starting and to other minority women who were in the doctoral program, who just kind of said hey, this is what you need to do. That’s why I chose Florida State. Also, the state of Florida pays for full-time employees, so I was able to utilize the tuition waiver.