Jessica Metcalf

Jessica Metcalf

"Driven by a passion to help."

College: Nursing
Degree Program: Family Nurse Practitioner
Degree: Doctorate

Award: Muscogee Creek Nation Doctoral Grant (2018)


Why did you choose to attend FSU to pursue a graduate degree?

I chose FSU because of the reputation the College of Nursing has within the community and because I have been a Seminole fan all of my life. Graduating from FSU has been a dream of mine since I was a child and I am happy to see it come into fruition.

What motivated you to pursue a graduate degree?

Due to the ongoing physician shortage, nurse practitioners are being utilized to fulfill the void in primary care. I chose to broaden my knowledge in order to provide care for those in need within my community and hometown, which lacks the amount of primary care providers to serve the population.

Describe the importance of your research and work? Why should anyone care about the work you are doing?

Epigenetics is a budding area in the healthcare profession. I plan to utilize genetic testing in the primary care setting in order to provide patient specific and centered care. Each individual is unique and their care received should be unique to them.

Briefly describe your career aspirations.

I plan to join a family practice and serve patients in the primary care setting. Advice for anyone considering graduate school. Never settle for anything less than fulfilling your dreams. Graduate school opens doors to those who are brave enough to knock. There is never a downside to expanding your knowledge base.

Accomplishments during your graduate career that you are proud of.

During my first semester of graduate school, my immediate family was personally affected by Hurricane Michael. My home town was severely damaged and will be forever changed. In spite of the destruction, stress from the damage, and my vigorous course load, I was able to complete the semester with a 4.0 GPA. I credit my professors, classmates, and the university for being understanding and supportive in my time of need. I am also proud to be a recipient of the Muscogee Creek Nation Doctoral Grant.