Jade Jemison

Headshot of Jade Jemison

”Pursuing knowledge creates an enriched life.”

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: English
Degree: Doctoral

Award: McKnight Doctoral Fellowship (2024)

Why FSU?

I was drawn to FSU's English program because it pays special attention to creation, literacy, research, and the pursuit of the Story. My desire has always been to become well-read and wholly human by reading about the lives, cultures, and perspectives of others. I believe I will find the cultural literacy I'm looking for at FSU.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

Part of my motivation is to accomplish my goal is to become a tenured English professor, teach creative writing and literature, and publish my own work. After completing my undergraduate degree as a nontraditional student, I knew I had to continue my education for myself, my children, and those who sacrificed to support and guide me along the way. Pursuing a Ph.D. allows me to continue my education while also being in service to my culture and people.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

When I was a child, it was difficult to find books by Black authors. Despite the spotlight on the need for diversity, I found that the lack of access and inclusivity was a larger problem. Now, I hope - with my work advocating for Black authors, Black women, and stories previously silenced - to reach those who feel unseen and underrepresented in literature. With my nonfiction work, I hope to help bridge the gap between statistical medical practices and my first-hand knowledge of Black maternity issues, loss, and adoption.

Career aspirations

I intend to become an English professor as well as writing and publishing my own work. I hope to teach creative writing, literature, and topics within Women and Gender studies. I plan to publish essays and memoirs surrounding motherhood, loss, identity, adoptions, cultural observations, and other familial topics.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Choose one day a week (minimum) and consistently keep that day just for yourself. It is easy to use all of your time on schoolwork, teaching, research, and writing (and more). However, focusing on your mental and physical health will help to keep burnout at bay.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I have received several awards and accomplishments throughout my graduate career that I am proud of.  I have received several scholarships to attend conferences and seminars, including the Teaching and Librarian Scholarship to attend the Key West Literary Seminar and a scholarship from Hippocampus Magazine to attend their annual conference HippoCamp: Conference for Creative Nonfiction Writers.  I was also a mentee in the Pitch Wars Class of 2020.  Lastly, I recently was awarded the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship