Hyosoon Yim

"To better understand the world"
College: Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Degree Program: Sport Management
Degree: Doctoral
Why FSU?
I chose to study in the Sport Management Program at FSU because it is one of the best programs in the nation. I also had the pleasure of meeting the best advisor here.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
Despite being in tough situations, I have always found happiness through sports. This experience inspired me to seek a career close to sports. After enrolling in a graduate program for my master's degree, I discovered that research did not feel tedious to me. I became eager to produce empirical research on the psychological and social benefits of sports participation.
Importance and/or impact of research and work
Physical activity has been regarded as one of the best vehicles to reduce stress derived from various life challenges. Especially, organized sport activity, as one dominant form of physical activity, has promising potential to promote one’s psychological and social well-being as well as physical health. Throughout my academic career, I aimed to investigate the psychological and social impact of sport (both participation sport and spectating sport) and effective public health promotion through sport. Such research can be particularly beneficial for underrepresented or marginalized populations, such as international students (Yim et al., 2023) and older adults (Kim et al., 2020).
Career aspirations
After graduation, I aspire to become a scholar researching sport management at a university. My goal is to widely disseminate the potential of sports to contribute to well-being together with many colleagues and students.
Advice for anyone considering graduate school
I would not recommend graduate school to someone who struggles with a stationary lifestyle. For those who enjoy a quiet routine and have a deep interest in a specific research topic, graduate school could be the best choice. Therefore, my advice is to first reflect on your own personality and academic passion.
Accomplishments during graduate career
As a graduate student, I published one SSCI journal article, delivered seven referred conference presentations, submitted two research grants, taught seven undergraduate courses, and experienced college-level and national-level organizational service. Despite the imperfections I see in my performances, I am proud that I did my best in every moment. I am also proud to have been awarded the People's Choice Award in the FSU Master's in Four Competition (2020) and to have received first place in the 2023 Three Minute Thesis Competition!