Guanxiong Qi

"Doing scholarship as a profession"
College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Religion
Degree: Master's
Why FSU?
FSU has a unique graduate studies program in Religion. We have one of the largest Religion departments in North America, and our professors are amazing. Also, the department provides financial assistance to all admitted graduate students, which alleviates everyone's burden on tuition and other costs.
Motivation to pursue a graduate degree
In my last few undergraduate years, I became avidly interested in Buddhism and the academic study of religion. On the one hand, I really enjoy studying religion from an etic, scholarly perspective. I love different theories of religion. At the same time, Buddhism was particularly charming to me. I was very inclined to Buddhist doctrines and philosophy.
Importance and impact of research
Unfortunately, I think my work bears little or zero importance. My master's thesis is about the early 17th century Chinese "Beat" culture, a group of politically frustrated literati who adopted Buddhism as their getaway religion and new spirituality. Despite its insignificance, I think my thesis is an enjoyable read.
Accomplishments during graduate school
I won the 2021 MI4 (Master's in 4) presentation competition. I am also teaching a World Religion class in exchange for an assistantship. For my master's thesis, I received another small grant.
Advice for prospective graduate students
The academic job market is extremely tight right now. You perhaps won't be able to find a good job after getting your PhD. Another piece of personal advice is, if you are interested in Buddhism or Buddhist studies, it is always better to learn Buddhism as a hobby/pastime than to study Buddhism as a profession.
Career aspirations
I am graduating this term (Spring 2022) and plan to go back home in China. Due to COVID-19, I haven't gone back to China and met my parents for more than two years. I wish to start a musical career (after getting a degree in Buddhist studies). If it does not work out, I may translate Buddhist sutras for some monasteries.