George Mensah

headshot for George Mensah

”Graduate School will open doors you can't imagine.”

College: Applied Studies
Degree Program: Corporate and Public Communication
Degree: Master's

Why FSU?

Florida State University is one of the only universities that connects my field of study through a master's degree. I know that pursuing my master's here will help me pursue my dreams.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

The world has become a global village and it takes great communicators to bridge the gap; I found this connection in the Master's degree in Corporate and Public Communication at FSU. I know that this graduate degree will allow me to achieve my long-term goals.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

I did a Directed Independence Study by writing a Literature Review on developing strategic health communication campaigns in the face of pandemics and epidemics. This work and research will help to identify the appropriate and affective campaign messages to deliver in the future during moments of public crisis.

Career aspirations

I aspire to add to the body of knowledge and research research in health communication. In the future, I would like to help build strategic communication audits for organizations to help improve their effective communication.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Graduate school will connect you to a world of great ideas and innovations. It is a path that leads to greater opportunities for those ready to embrace the future.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I received an Academic Achievement Award from the FSU Panama City Honor Society.