Emily Allen

Emily Allen

"You develop necessary critical thinking skills."

College: Music
Degree Program: Ethnomusicology
Degree: Doctorate

Award: Adrienne Fried Block Fellowship (2020)


Why FSU?

I decided to attend Florida State University because I felt welcomed by the Musicology program when I first visited the campus. In addition to the area’s collegiality, I also admired the diverse scholarly resources and expertise that the College of Music offers. I knew that I would get an excellent foundation in musicology if I pursued master’s and doctoral degrees here.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I only scratched the surface of music history in my undergraduate studies, so I became interested in exploring it in greater depth as a musicologist. I have always had a passion for history, so, when I found out about musicology as a junior in college, I was excited about tying that in with music.

Importance and impact of research

My dissertation on Carnival in Mobile, Alabama, addresses topics to which people can relate. I’m studying the Mardi Gras music scene in Mobile and how the musicians express and celebrate identity, particularly race, age, and what it means to be a Mobilian. So, I think people can look at their homes’ rituals and see how those help define a place and its inhabitants. I’m also questioning how these musical/identity performances are embraced or excluded—what symbolic and literal boundaries exist? Deconstructing the rituals and institution of Carnival also translates to other circumstances that people can understand, as we are always questioning social injustice.

Career aspirations

I’m interested in a career that involves service in some way, as I love helping people. I have several skills that would be useful in public musicology, teaching, mentoring, and advising.

Advice for prospective graduate students

Make sure that you do research and fully understand what a master’s and/or doctoral degree entails in terms of time, work, expense, etc. It’s a wonderful experience if you’re ready for it, but I sometimes see people go to graduate school without a sense of direction. Talk to current students or recent graduates in your field of interest before you make any decisions.

Accomplishments during graduate career

I’m pleased with the personal and scholarly growth I’ve experienced here, especially now that I’ve reached candidacy. I’ve been fortunate enough to receive funding through teaching, research, and advising assistantships, along with the Musicology Summer Research Support Grant and UROP Materials Grant. I am also a recipient of the Society for American Music's Adrienne Fried Block Fellowship.