Diana Carbonell

Diana Carbonell

"You learn so much about yourself!"

College: Education
Degree Program: Counseling and School Psychology
Degree: Doctorate

Why FSU?

I wanted to attend an institution where I could still be close to my family. Among the Florida universities, FSU appealed the most to me due to the combined program as well as the research focuses of the faculty.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I want to supervise students in the future, “giving back” to the field in addition to competently providing counseling services.

Importance of research and work

Sadly, rates of trauma continue to rise regardless of our prevention/intervention efforts. My research focuses on determining a prevention technique that can serve as a protective factor for all individuals. These protective factors can help mitigate the emotional distress and negative outcomes of trauma.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Start implementing self-care into your daily life now. It is very easy to put off self-care due to the never-ending deadlines. However, self-care is what will help you get through all of those deadlines.

Accomplishments during graduate

Recently, I competed in the Three Minute Thesis competition and made it to the finalist round. It was an amazing opportunity that reminded me of why I love my research and the importance of it. Additionally, I recently started working as a board member for the American Psychological Association Prevention Section as a representative of graduate students.

Career aspirations.

I want to work with trauma survivors, specifically in the prison population, to help them recreate their narrative to grow and lessen their chances of recidivism.