DaSean Stokes

Headshot of DeSean Stokes

”White academics benefit from Black academics”

College: Music
Degree Program: Vocal Performance
Degree: Doctoral

Award: McKnight Doctoral Fellowship (2024)

Why FSU?

I chose FSU because of the opportunity to study with Professor David Overland and the excitement that I received from him and several other faculty about Blackness in music. I saw ally ship in a few faculty and staff members and I wanted to be at a school that has faculty members that want students to succeed regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status. I have identified a support system to promote success in this graduate degree and I am excited to work with those in my support system.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I wanted for someone in my family to be called doctor, and it might as well be myself. In my family there are those who have pursued higher education but nobody has pursued a doctorate of any kind and I want to show my family that anything is possible if you work hard and continue to get back up. Finally, I wanted to get a doctorate so that I can work at a predominately White institution and a Black student can see me at that school and know that they belong at any university they choose to attend.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

As a Black person in classical music most aspects are centered around the White European experience, including pedagogical. My research hopes to include Black people in the pedagogy experience by exploring the anatomical and societal difference in the Black operative singer. This research would give White professors (who make up the majority of voice teachers) an understanding of how to teach their Black students through an understanding of physiological and/or cultural differences using Black models, recordings, and other markers.

Career aspirations

I have many career aspirations. The main three are to be a professor of voice at a university, associate dean of student advocacy and inclusion, and an internationally renowned opera singer. These are big goals, but why not aspire to greatness.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Find where you fit in. School is more than just going to class. It is about who is teaching it, who are in the courses with you, who reserves the room, who does the curriculum approval, etc. If a school will support you in multiple levels then that is the graduate program for you.

Accomplishments during graduate career

While I was a Master's student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, I received the Advanced Opportunity Fellowship.  This year, I was also awarded the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship