Danielle Sebranek

Danielle Sebranek

"Advancing my education helps others succeed."

College: Education
Degree Program: Higher Education
Degree: Master's

Award: P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education Grant (2017)


Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

Pursuing a master’s degree in Higher Education is important to me because I want to help students succeed and find their passion. My mentors during undergraduate studies were fundamental in helping me grow and discover myself, and I want to give back and inspire the next generation of leaders.

Career aspirations and importance of area of study

I plan to work with international programs and student affairs in the field of international education. As an undergraduate, I studied French and history, and studying abroad was key to my personal development and professional growth. I believe that being vulnerable and making another country a temporary home opens the heart to a worldly perspective and an appreciation for different cultures, which are vital in the twenty-first century. I want to encourage students to register for a program abroad by enlightening them on this new perspective as well as the immersive learning and practical skills they will gain. I would like to lead and teach students on study abroad trips, inspire them to grow in their personal development, and open their eyes to a new way of learning.

Accomplishments during academic career

I am currently a graduate assistant in the Career Center. I enjoy working with students and helping them along their path to career success. Beyond working with international programs, I am also interested in other areas of student affairs that focus on student growth and success.