Cassandra Kepple

Cassandra Kepple

"You can change the world."

College: Education
Degree Program: Higher Education
Degree: Doctorate

Why FSU?

I chose FSU to pursue my PhD in Higher Education because the program and the institution offer a multitude of research, teaching, and learning opportunities that I knew would make me successful in my graduate endeavors.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I want to become a faculty member and continue working to make the college experience better for our students. To reach these goals, I needed to pursue a graduate degree.

Importance and impact of research

My research broadly looks into college student success. I currently work on research teams that study how we can best support college students with autism, how we can have better advising practices, and how we can bring high-impact practices to more student populations. This work is vital in making sure that higher education institutions are meeting the needs of their students and adapting to ever-changing contexts.

Advice for prospective graduate students

If I could give any advice to anyone considering graduate school, I would say to make sure there is a good fit between your research advisor and yourself, as well as the broader program and yourself. Also, a campus visit can make all the difference, so if you can visit before making your decision, I highly recommend it!

Accomplishments during graduate career

As a recipient of FSU’s Legacy Fellowship, I have had wonderful opportunities to get involved at FSU with the Fellows Society. I have had the honor to serve on the FSU Fellows Society Advisory Board as the co-coordinator for the annual Fellows Forum. I have also served as the administrative chair for the Higher Education Student Association (HESA) and will be holding the position of doctoral chair for the 2021-2022 school. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to present at multiple conferences including, NACADA, the College Autism Summit, NASPA, AERA, and INSAR. I am also currently working on multiple manuscripts for publication and will be having a chapter published in an edited book later on this year.

Career aspirations

I would love to become a faculty member in a higher education program so I can continue researching, teaching, and advising college students.