Carlie Anderson

Carlie Anderson

”Acquiring experiential, in-depth, professional expertise”

College: Arts and Sciences
Degree Program: Ecology and Evolution
Degree: Doctoral

Award: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention (2023)

Why FSU?

I chose to pursue my doctoral degree at Florida State University because of the research conducted here and the supportive atmosphere. My professional interests fit well with my advisor’s focus on speciation research. Additionally, in speaking with faculty and students while interviewing for my program, there was a sense of community and support that made FSU stand out.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I see my graduate degree as a step toward my ultimate goal of pursuing research professionally. My program in the Department of Biological Science allows me to challenge myself and grow intellectually while acquiring new skills that I plan to use in my future career.

Importance and/or impact of research and work

I am an evolutionary neuroethologist. I study how brains and behaviors evolve. Specifically, I study the neural and behavioral causes of speciation, the process by which new species form. My goal is to uncover the "how" behind the origin of species, which provides fundamental insights into our understanding of how biodiversity (including humans!) is generated and maintained.

Career aspirations

My goal is to pursue research professionally while engaging in community outreach to teach broader audiences about evolution, animal behavior, and brains. I aim to bridge the gap in our understanding of how behaviors evolve by integrating across scales of study, from genes to cells to neural circuits.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

On my first day of graduate school, my labmate offered me one piece of advice: have hobbies! Having personal interests and a social life outside of the lab is essential to your mental health and makes the entire grad school experience worthwhile. Your life is not defined by your work or your research, it's defined by who you are outside of the lab.

Accomplishments during graduate career

During my first two years of graduate school, I published a first-authored publication, with another submitted for peer review, and developed a brain atlas for my study species in collaboration with FSU neuroscience faculty. I am also proud to have been selected as an Honorable Mention for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP 2023).